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Who’s Who

Rushbury CE Primary School Staff

Headteacher and DSL: Mr Steve Morris


EYFS/KS1Ticklerton Class Teacher: Mrs Helen Jones


Y3/4 Gretton Class Teacher: Mr David Greenwood (Mon to Wed) and Mr Steve Morris (Thu, Fri)


Y5/6 Stanway Class Teacher: Miss Kate Reeves


SENDCo: Mrs Helen Reidy


School Administrator and PA to Headteacher: Mrs Sian Mann (Monday - Wednesday)

School Administrator and PA to Headteacher:  Mrs Julia Kelly (Thursday - Friday)


HLTA/ ELSA/ Teaching Assistant and Deputy DSL: Mrs Anna Child 


HLTA and Teaching Assistant: Miss Sam Carter


Teaching Assistant: Mrs Jenny Hartley (mornings only)


Lunchtime Supervisor/Teaching Assistant: Mrs Jenny Hartley


Site Manager: Mr Paul Norton


Grounds Maintenance: Mr Mark Stephenson


Let's Dine Cook: Mrs Wendy Edwards  


School pet dog: Smoo


Shropshire Music Service Teachers: Mrs Beverley Turner and Mr Jerome Auxant


About Us


Mr Steve Morris

Headteacher, Lower Key Stage 2 Teacher and Designated Safeguarding Lead

Steve took on the role of headteacher at Rushbury in November 2020 and has twenty-seven years primary school teaching experience, including two previous posts as headteacher. The first ten years of his teaching career was based in the north-west of England before returning to Shropshire in 2008, first as a deputy head, then headteacher. Steve graduated from Liverpool John Moores University with a BA (Hons) degree in Consumer Studies, before completing a PGCE at the University of Wales, Aberystwyth, in 1998.


Miss Kate Reeves

Upper Key Stage 2 Teacher

Kate joined Rushbury CE Primary School in September 2019. She teaches the Upper Key Stage 2 pupils - known as Stanway Class.  Before her career in teaching, Kate had careers in journalism, television production and global equine tourism before teaching English overseas. Kate graduated from Oxford University with a BA honours degree in politics, philosophy and economics. She qualified as a teacher in 2019 with a PGCE from the University of Cumbria.


Mrs Helen Jones

EYFS and KS1 Teacher 

Helen joined Rushbury CE Primary School in May 2022. She teaches the EYFS and KS1 children who make up Ticklerton Class. Before her career in teaching, Helen worked as a farm conservation adviser, university agriculture lecturer and primary outreach coordinator.  She has a BSc (Hons) degree in Geography from University of the West of England, Bristol and MSc Sustainable Agriculture from Harper Adams University. She qualified as a teacher in 2020 with a PGCE from the University of Worcester.


Mr David Greenwood

Lower Key Stage 2 Teacher 

David joined Rushbury CE Primary School in February 2024 and now teaches Gretton Class from Monday to Wednesday. Before his teaching career, David worked in sales, merchandise, and hospitality, and currently runs a girls' grassroots football team in Bridgnorth. He gained a BA (Hons) in History and Art History, from the University of Liverpool in 2005 and subsequently a PGCE from the University of Worcester in 2014. Over the past 10 years, David has held teaching roles in two Shropshire schools, working largely in Upper KS2, with additional cover experience in EYFS and KS1. 


Mrs Anna Child

Teaching Assistant

Anna joined Rushbury CE Primary School as a teaching assistant in autumn 2013. Anna has an NVQ in childcare and education. In addition, she has also, more recently, completed an Open University degree in childhood and youth studies. Anna is the school's ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) working from Wednesday to Fridays. As part of her role she also provides catch-up/one-to-one academic support for pupils at Rushbury and is predominantly based in KS2. 


Mrs Jenny Hartley

Teaching Assistant

Jen joined Rushbury CE Primary School as a playtime supervisor and teaching assistant in Autumn 2023.  She works each morning in the Reception and Key Stage 1 class, with a particular focus on supporting our Reception pupils. Jen has a degree in Early Years and Childhood Studies and she enjoys anything to do with the outdoors.  She has two children - the older attends Rushbury and the younger is currently in Little Acorns.


Miss Sam Carter

Teaching Assistant

Sam was a pupil at Rushbury CE Primary School. She gained an NVQ Level 3 in childcare from Ludlow College in 2008. She has since qualified as a higher level teaching assistant and more recently completed a foundation degree in education through Stafford University. Sam works as a teaching assistant at Rushbury School. In addition, she is the teaching-assistant-in-charge of wrap-around-care (pre and after-school) and a lunchtime supervisor. Sam has a particular interest in special educational needs and this was the focus of her foundation degree. She plays a significant role in maintaining the school's vegetable garden and organises many annual events, including the school’s Shrewsbury Flower Show garden design.


Mrs Beverley Turner

Music Teacher, Shropshire Music Service and Long Mynd Music Academy


Mr Jerome Auxant

Guitar Teacher, Shropshire Music Service


Mrs Sian Mann

School Administrator and Personal Assistant to the Headteacher (Monday-Wednesday)


Sian joined Rushbury CE Primary School in June 2019. She is responsible for all administrative processes and is the headteacher’s personal assistant. Before working at the school, Sian spent many years within administration both at a local care home for the elderly and prior to that at David Austin Roses as a customer service assistant manager. Sian gained a BA honours degree in history from Aberystwyth University in 2006, and has since achieved Level 3 NVQ in business administration.


Mrs Julia Kelly

School Administrator and Personal Assistant to the Headteacher (Thursday-Friday)


Julia joined the team in May 2024 and works on Thursdays and Fridays.  She has spent over twenty years working in primary education and she has experience as a teacher as well as various leadership positions.  Julia has a BA (Hons) degree in Education and History and a PGCE from Roehampton University in London.


Mr Paul Norton

Site Manager

Paul joined Rushbury CE Primary School in September 2016 as site manager. Paul works every morning, cleaning and maintaining the school site. He also maintains an overview of health & safety and liaises with contractors.


Before working at Rushbury, Paul previously completed a four-year apprenticeship in mechanical engineering with British Aerospace in Kingston-upon-Thames, Surrey. He also spent time working in plant and site maintenance, which included two large primary schools in West London. 


Mrs Wendy Edwards

Let's Dine School Cook



School Pet Dog













Born 9th July 2023, from Millichope on Wenlock Edge.

Named after  a huge cave on the north coast of Scotland, Smoo Cave,

Father, Bear, is a Bedlington/Whippet/Greyhound/Collie; mother, Tarry, a little lurcher.

Smoo is 13kg, she is a speedy mongrel.

Likes - hugs and cuddles, squeaky toys, running, the sofa, broccoli and other crunchy vegetables, and children.

Dislikes - rain, puddles, the sea (water in general), loud noises, anyone touching her toes.

